LifeWay to screen 2 movies at SBC

COLUMBUS, Ohio (BP) -- LifeWay Christian Resources will screen two new movies, host a panel discussion about biblical preaching, and provide a men's breakfast in conjunction with the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio.

LifeWay Films will screen "War Room," a new movie from Alex and Stephen Kendrick, the award-winning creators of "Fireproof" and "Courageous." War Room explores the power of prayer and stars Priscilla Shirer, Alex Kendrick and Beth Moore. The film will be released nationwide August 28, and the SBC screening will be Monday, June 15, at 9:00 p.m. in the Battelle Grand Ballroom of the Greater Columbus Convention Center (GCCC). A trailer of the movie is available at

The next night LifeWay will screen the upcoming movie "Woodlawn," based on the true story of a spiritual awakening that captured the heart of nearly every football player at Woodlawn (Ala.) High School in 1973, a school filled with racism. Woodlawn, from the producers of "October Baby" and "Mom's Night Out," will be released to theaters Oct. 16. The SBC screening will be Tuesday, June 16, at 9:00 p.m., also in the Battelle Grand Ballroom, GCCC.

Reservations are not necessary for either movie screening, but seating will be limited.

The Gospel Project will sponsor a panel discussion about different philosophies and styles of preaching on Tuesday morning (June 16) at 6:30 a.m. The discussion will feature H.B. Charles, Jr., pastor-teacher, Shiloh Metropolitan Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fla.; J.D. Greear, lead pastor, The Summit Church, Raleigh-Durham, N.C.; Chip Henderson, senior pastor, Pinelake Church near Jackson, Miss.; and Ed Stetzer, vice president, LifeWay Christian Resources.

The panel will be held in the GCCC's Battelle Grand Ballrooms A/B. A light breakfast will be served and attendees will receive resources worth more than $125, but seating is limited so registration is necessary at

Registrants at the site can also sign up to preview and review the entire first month of The Gospel Project Chronological for free. The review includes full access to the entire first month of every adult, student, and kids resource.

Wednesday morning, June 17, LifeWay and the North American Mission Board will sponsor a breakfast to encourage the local church to invest in the lives of men. Featured speakers will include Matt Carter, pastor of preaching and vision, The Austin Stone Community Church, Austin, Texas; J.D. Greear, The Summit Church; Michael Catt, senior pastor, Sherwood Baptist Church, Albany, Ga.; Mark Dance and Jason Ellerbrook from LifeWay; and Michael Lewis from NAMB.

The SBC Men's Breakfast will begin at 6:30 a.m. in Room E171 of the GCCC. Attendance is free, but seating is limited so attendees need to register at

The SBC exhibit hall will feature the popular LifeWay Christian Store offering a wide selection of books, Bibles, small group study resources, and other Christian products.

A special story time for kids will be held in the B&H Publishing Group exhibit area featuring noted children's authors reading their books, and book signings will be held throughout the convention by bestselling authors.

Marty King is corporate communications director of LifeWay Christian Resources.
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