Baptist Press Archive

Friday, September 06, 2013

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  • Abortion clinic closings on rise in U.S., 44 tallied year to date

  • San Antonio LGBT nondiscrimination ordinance passes 8-3, criticized as 'unprecedented'

  • SBC ethicists: Criteria for 'just war' not met

  • Syrian refugees thankful for hunger assistance

  • 'Battle Plan' to equip men in pornography fight

  • EC, LifeWay named in Glorieta lessees' suit

  • Youth pastors join in call to prayer

  • FIRST PERSON: 'Need Kidney 4 Wife'

  • CALL TO PRAYER: Let us pray for our family

  • Los hispanos servirán como misioneros interculturales

  • El gobierno federal se rinde ante política de marihuana

  • Walmart extiende beneficios a parejas del mismo sexo

  • Beca de NAMB financia alcance global