LMCO sermon resources now available


EDITOR'S NOTE: Nov. 29-Dec. 6 is this year's Week of Prayer for International Missions in the Southern Baptist Convention with the theme "Because of Who He Is" from Psalm 96:3 (HCSB). The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions in tandem with Cooperative Program gifts from Southern Baptist churches support international workers in seeking to fulfill the Great Commission. Gifts to the Lottie Moon offering are received through local Southern Baptist churches or online at imb.org/offering, where there are resources to promote the offering. This year's goal is $175 million.

RICHMOND, Va. (BP) -- As churches plan their services and special events for the rest of the year, the International Mission Board has released sermon resources from IMB President David Platt free of charge to help church leaders promote the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions that, along with Cooperative Program giving, funds Southern Baptist missionaries to serve internationally.

The International Mission Board has released Lottie Moon Christmas Offering sermon resources from IMB President David Platt.
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These sermon resources can be used from the pulpit or in small group gatherings to raise awareness for the spread of the Gospel through the offering.

A full video sermon, "Why we pray, why we give, why we go," can be shown in 33-and-a-half minutes. The accompanying sermon outline can be used to speak about why every Christian is called to help fulfill the Great Commission to make Christ's name known among all the nations and peoples of the world.

Platt gives four reasons based on Isaiah 6:1-13 why each and every person should surrender to God in every aspect of life and tell Him, "I will pray however You want me to pray, I will give whatever You want me to give, and I will go wherever and whenever You want me to go."

Three video excerpts of the full sermon can be used to call a church to action in its support of international missionaries through the Lottie Moon offering. Each excerpt can be shown in two to four minutes.

-– "Isaiah 53: Jesus took the full wrath of God upon Himself"

Everyone stands before God, Platt says, "deserving His judgment in our sin ... and Jesus steps into our place and says, 'I will take that wrath for you upon Myself.'"

–- "How could there be any other option?"

In this video sermon excerpt, Platt says, "I implore you in your life and your family, no matter what age or stage you are, to rise before this God and say, 'Here I am, send me.'"

-– "It will be costly ... it will be worth it"

Platt says, "Unreached people are unreached for a reason: They're hard to reach, they're difficult to reach, they're dangerous to reach."

To view or download these LMCO sermon resources, go to imb.org/plattsermonhelps.

IMB staff submitted this story.
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